Sunday, November 6, 2016


Today I read an article about happiness. It was about three young women searching the country for the secrets to happiness. In such a dark time and place, happiness is at stake. So, each day, I try and consume happiness. I try and spread happiness. Hoping to take your mind of off your worries, the election, stress, or anything negative, I'm sharing with my ten keys of happiness.

1) Take a deep breath, put on that stunning smile, and remind yourself what a wonderful world this is. There are so many things to worry about, I won't lie to you. But there are so many more things that make me happy. Let those things shine the brightest.

2) Sing like no one's listening. Roll down your windows, crank up that radio, and let your hair down!

3) Surround yourself with your favorite people. No one should make you feel low, unwanted, or unloved. Choose to be with people that lift you up.

4) Step into the great outdoors. There is something so comforting, so peaceful, and so serene about the outdoors. Whether I'm out for a run in my neighbor, biking through the local forest with friends, or doing yoga in the grass - being outside is where I feel at peace.

5) Fuel yourself with goodness. Whip up a colorful smoothie bowl. Bake yourself some chocolate chip cookies. Concoct a vegan confetti cake for your neighbor. Try a new recipe. Give yourself goodness!

6) Unleash your musical side. Grab a guitar or teach yourself a simple song on the piano. Jot down those lyrics that came to you in the shower. Write yourself a song, something that makes you happy and eases your worries, to sing to yourself when you've lost your way.

7) Have faith. Faith doesn't have to be in a God. It doesn't have to be someone who you talk to when you're in need. It can be in the universe, in yourself. In the love of the world. Have faith that you will make it. You will thrive.

8) Don't take yourself too seriously. Laugh off your mistakes. Accept constructive criticism. You can always be kinder, you can always be more accepting. Life is for living, not for perfection.

9) You're never too old to play. Take the dog to the park for a game of fetch. Go practice your favorite sport at the gym. Take that dusty board game off the shelf for a fun night with friends. Let yourself lose.

10) Practice self-care. You are enough. You are beautiful. You are strong and you are everything you need to be. Fuel your happiness with healthy goodness - but treat yourself to a cookie every once in a while... and don't regret it. Get active, sweat out your stresses, and always take time for sleep and relaxation. You are your own best friend.

I hope that whatever happens in your life, you can take a deep breath and remember that happiness will come. 

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